Friday, November 27, 2009

Gifts galore

What a week it has been... it started early Sunday morning, about 1:00am. I woke up to that feeling - pain. This pain was welcome though because it meant my son would soon be here and so soon he came, I was admitted to maternity at about 7:00am already dilated to a 7. 9:58am little Andre Trevail quite literally shot out into the world!! He is my favorite gift so far :)

My second favorite gift - that God has blessed me with being in virtually no pain after giving birth!! This is awesome so that I don't need too much help taking care of both my boys!

Of course yesterday was Thanksgiving and the meal was DELICIOUS!! Nothing fancy this year, but oh so good. Mom helped me put up the Christmas tree, and along comes my third favorite gift - when Frankie saw the tree after his nap. Oh how I wish I could have caught that face on camera, he just lit up with excitement!! My heart fills with joy just thinking about it!!!

And lastly Tiffy has let all of us scrappers know about a great giveaway to celebrate 1,000 sales at Sue's ( etsy shop!!! The winner gets:
jenni bowlin perpetual calendar,
tim holtz holiday stamp,
jenni bowlin large christmas bingo cards
a surprise gift from 7 gypsies
Fabulous right???

Pretty cool right?!! To win just post a comment on Tiffy's blog ( and mention the giveaway on your blog!

I think this is why I love this time of year so much... I love the giving spirit!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

The clock is ticking....

Well the countdown has begun - Baby Andre is due on the 30th of this month and I am so excited and ready for him to be here!! I keep wondering what he will look like, whether he will look just like Frankie, or just like me or his daddy or any of the family!! It's such a fun excitement and wonder to have!!

We've had some minor complications the past month with this pregnancy, my amniotic fluid was low so he was breach and couldn't flip around head down buuut God answered prayers and due to drinking about a gallon of water a day, and especially due to God's goodness my fluid is good now and he is head down ready to go!! The great thing about this though was that I had to go in for ultrasounds twice a week and got to see him!! I think it helped me connect better with him and get more excited about his birth, as I have been focused on making sure Frankie is ready to be a big brother instead of letting myself get excited about having baby boy #2!!!

Things will certainly be different around here, but I am praying that God prepares us all for it and our home is filled with peace and joy!